Details - NDPC

The National Commissioner, represents the Honorable Minister of Communications and Digital Economy at a Roundtable Discussion hosted by Public and Private Development Centre.

The National Commissioner, Dr. Vincent Olatunji CDPO, CPPPS, FIIM, represented the Honourable Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Professor Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami FNCS, FBCS, FIIM at the Roundtable Discussion on Data Privacy and Protection in Nigeria on the 9th of February 2022 at Bon Hotel Elvis, Abuja. The event was duly hosted by the Public and Private Development Center (PPDC). The National Commissioner praised the PPDC for developing a platform that can facilitate data privacy discussions. He went on to state how important it is for stakeholders such as the PPDC to collaborate with the Bureau and other relevant stakeholders to assist in achieving the common goal of safeguarding Nigeria's digital economy. The Commissioner went on to discuss the Bureau's goals and what it aims to accomplish in the coming years. He emphasized the necessity of promoting data privacy awareness and ensuring that both public and private organizations adhere to the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation.Babatunde Bamigboye Esq., Head Legal team at the Bureau also participated in a panel discussion titled ‘Assessing Data Protection and Privacy in Nigeria’. The panel consisted of representatives from the National Human Rights Commission, Nigerian Communications Commission, TechHER etc. The high-level debate focused on digital rights, data privacy and protection and provided varied perspectives on what can be done to preserve Nigerian citizens’ data privacy rights.